Saturday, October 31, 2015

Le mur de je t'aime

If you have take Metro Abbesses to Montmartre, you have surely visited Square Jihan Rictus nearby. There you can gaze on the lovely wall of love. Conceived by Frédéric Baron, who collected over 1,000 the words I Love You in over 300 languages. He asked Claire Kito, an artist and oriental calligrapher to write the words. Then Daniel Boulogne created the mural of tiles. If you have not seen t his lovely mural, put it on your To Do List.
Square Jihan Rictus
10 rue André Barsacq
75018 Paris


  1. We first met Peter at this spot -- I fell in love with the wall!

  2. I discovered this wall for the first time on my last visit and then deleted the photo off my camera. I reviewed a book last week capture the moment that you would probably enjoy.

  3. Now this I have seen. It is indeed wonderful.

  4. I missed it and am to old to do a trip,
    but I can live through your photo's .
    Thanks Virginia.


  5. Yeah; seen it many times, taken photos many times and very, very thankful that you too shares with so many visitors of your blog and possible future 'joy-sharers' of this wonderful wall....
    Thank you Virginia, for sharing your love of Paris with all - although I haven't commented in a very long time, I come and visit you whenever I can (mustn't strain my eyes and therefore computer/iPad/phone-mails time is strictly limited!).


Merci pour votre comment!