Monday, October 26, 2015

Les balcons à Paris

It is no secret that November in Paris is a favorite of mine. I try and reassure friends that the leaves are turning a fabulous golden yellow, but also, the flowers on the balconies are still spilling over in reckless abandon. I don't know WHAT they feed those geraniums. Today a photo taken last Novenber 14th. I rest my case.


  1. Lovely post. Isn't it amazing to still see geranium s in bloom. I love Paris in October/November. Never been in Decemebr though.

  2. Bonjour chère amie,

    Pour notre plus grand bonheur, le gel n'a pas encore touché les géraniums... Une belle photo !

    Gros bisous ✺ ♡ ✺

  3. Beautiful. And I love the picture in your header too.

  4. The French have a real skill with window flowers, don't they?

    Happy birthday, V.


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