Monday, September 14, 2015

Les parapluies

When in Paris, a parapluie should always be in your bag. Don't leave home without it.


  1. The last two times I was in Paris, it only rained once (while I was in a nice, dry bus). I'm sure that if I hadn't had my parapluie, however . . . Excellent advice, V!

  2. I've got one, but I can't remember the last time I used it.

  3. Bonjour chère amie,

    Les premières pluies automnales sont arrivées... Belle photo.

    Gros bisous ☼

  4. Great photo V and perfect in Black & White. Umbrellas make it so difficult to hold a camera though. I prefer a hood.

  5. I agree with Joe. On our last trip, which had lots of rain, we gave up on the umbrellas because it was impossible to take pictures, shop etc while holding it. A trench coat with a hood worked much better.

  6. Even with an umbrella, I got very wet in Paris one time! But it sure is pretty in the rain!


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