Friday, August 14, 2015

La petite fille et son bâton

Each child who rides the small carrousel at Luxembourg Gardens is given a small baton. As they pass the gentlemen on the right, they try and slide their baton into another metal ring. As you can see, he kindly helps a bit.


  1. Such a delightful image V. I'll bet many children have wonderful memories of riding this carousel.

  2. Such a fun shot, ans great to see the man helping out the kid :)

  3. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je suis très heureuse de vous retrouver et d'admirer à nouveau vos merveilleuses photos...
    Je viens d'acquérir un petit appartement à Montmartre... Je pense ainsi pouvoir venir souvent cet hiver me promener...

    Très jolie publication...

    Gros bisous ♡

  4. Yes, it's true the jousting training begins at a very early age in France. But it pays off. Love that splash of red amongst the blue (turquoise?... guys don't know colors).


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