Tuesday, August 11, 2015

100 French Strangers #84-85

As I've said many times, "You know those Parisians, so aloof and never smile!" Another example of the many delightful Parisians I meet every visit. This morning these two at Paul had a grand time posing for me. They were  hilarious.

It's been quite a while since I posted photos of my quest for 100 French Strangers. If you're not familiar, it originate on a FLICKR group and the idea is to challenge yourself to take 100 strangers' photos. The catch is that you must have some interaction with the person/persons before your take their picture. I started it on my Birmingham blog years ago and then in June, 2009 when I spent a good bit of time there, I decided to start the 100 French Strangers. It's a good way to help overcome the fear of street photography and asking strangers for their pictures. I am certain since last posting #83, I"ve already hit 100 but we'll just take up from there and move forward. I encourage you to try it!


  1. They are having such fun Virginia. It makes me smile.

  2. I am closing in on 900 portraits now. I always try to get a few facts about everyone I meet.

  3. I am on my second 100 Stranger gallery. I love your idea of using French portraits! I think that dour and unfriendly French people is a myth and you certain proved it here.

  4. Great picture! I think I have a good start on what might be called French Dogs on the Street. As you know, the French really do love their dogs. Not sure that I will be able to make 100, but may well give it a try. :-)

  5. I just love the joy and warmth here! I think the photographer must have something to do with it to bring it out!

  6. I haven't counted. Steffe is way ahead of me, but I have quite a few. And, like Steffe, for me much of the fun is having a conversation and learning something about the subject. Everyone has a story. (Hmmm, maybe I met one today without a story . . . )

  7. Happy to hear that other CDPB folks are also doing the 100 Stranger challenge!


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