Thursday, July 9, 2015


 I have so very many images of Paris and each time I return from a trip, I pour over
what are now thousands from each trip. It's only natural that I miss a few.  Last night I was clicking through and deleting photos, but found this one, a keeper!  I like it a lot.  I hope you do too. It's Place du Tertre in Montmartre. I don't go there often when I'm in the area, as I don't love the tourists but in November, it's pretty quiet and just a faithful band of artists hang out. If you are visiting Paris for the first time... go. 


  1. I do like this one too V. There seems to be a vibrant interaction between the artist and the character no his page.

  2. In addition to the very Parisian subject matter itself (a beret-wearing artist), I love the juxtaposition of the dark half and light half of the photo with the imaginary diagonal that separates the two. But then, you know all of this as your photos are always very well composed and a pleasure to view. Merci!

  3. This one speaks to me on many levels as you will appreciate. My other half does not like anyone even looking over his shoulder when he is sketching, never mind painting the finished article. Street art sketches are one of his no no's to do. It's a project I'd love to do, photograph the beginning to end of him completing a piece so people can see the work involved at stages. It's a familiar scene in my own home, which doubles as an office. Beautifully observed photograph of the artist at work, without being intrusive. Bravo, again.

  4. I know what you mean about Montmartre. The first time I went it was in June and there were tons of tourists and while it was interesting (and I loved picnicing on the steps) it felt less comfortable. The second time (my blog post), we were in April and with Peter who guided us. While I'm sure there is no "off the beaten path" in Montmartre, we were free of the lion's share of tourists so it was simply delightful.

  5. I love Place du Tertre - I always feel as though I have stepped back in time.

  6. Moi non plus je n'aime pas les touriste * classiques *. je voyage seule ou avec une amie choisie, qui s'intéresse aux *choses* au delà du conventionnel. Où habitez-vous ? Moi qui rêve de vous rencontrer ! j'ai déjà rencontré des blogeuses parisiennes, pour mon plus grand bonheur.


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