Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Long Walk Home

After a long day of walking from one end of Paris to another, this might as well be Mount Everest for me.


  1. When we were in Paris we came to the conclusion that so many people look so fit because of the stairs in the metro.

  2. Reminds me of Metro Chatelet which I try to avoid.....but there are many others with loads of steps. For those of us who live on flat terrain, climbing steps is a work-out.

  3. And dragging along your luggage is even more of a workout!

  4. Luckily many Metro stations have escalators. With my bad knees now I use the autobus more than the Metro. I’d like to say that you are an intrepid photograph – as you know because of the 1968 law the RATP (Metro) forbids the taking of photos in the Metro. Also I saw that some French guy who saw his unauthorized picture in a blog was awarded 45,000 euros in damages – that’s why I said you are intrepid. I have read quite a few articles on copyright laws – for example new French monuments cannot be photographed for commercial purposes without paying a fee and so forth – and of course taking pictures of people is a no-no without their written approval. I did read that an American blog had to pay a fine lately.

  5. Quite an ascent. Too bad we can't shove that spammer down this flight.

  6. I feel you, Sister! And hence the happy dance when an escalator is spotted. :~}
    (And Vagabonde's comment made me grateful that my blog visitors are pretty much limited to just friends!)

  7. I have a feeling I have climbed those steps :-)


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