Tuesday, June 16, 2015

From the Inside

Finally, after pressing my nose against this elegant gate for 7 years, in November 2014, we finally were able to go inside the beautiful Musée Galliera ( Palais Galleria, Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris) for an fashion exhibit after being closed for renovations for years. Located just across the street from the Palais du Tokyo, it is the fashion museum of Paris. Check the website here for current and upcoming exhibits. It is worth a visit!

Palais Galliera
10 Avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie, Rue de Galliera
75016 Paris


  1. That's a pretty fashionable fence too! Glad you finally got to go after so many years, V. (I'm looking forward to it too.)

  2. That's now my favourite museum in Paris! I love how serious the French take fashion.

  3. Every time I go to Paris, I never miss that museum !


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