Monday, June 1, 2015

CDP Theme Day - Stylish

Our City Daily Photo theme for June is STYLISH. Well it's Paris, so why not a little black, lace oh lá lá???

To see other stylish photos from around the world, click right HERE!

Rue St. Honoré
75001 Paris


  1. This one made me smile. Fun take on theme day :).

  2. Paris is the best place for this theme, good choice, V !

  3. Only the French could have such a stylish mannequin in undies. Great eye as always for the little extra touches.

  4. My Mother's heritage is French/Flemish and she always said, "Every woman needs a pair of red shoes and black lingerie." Guess it is still fashionable in France. Good one, VJ.

  5. Black lace never goes out of style.. cheeky shot Virginia, j'adore :)

  6. There is much to be said for black lace.

  7. Very suggestive picture for the theme day.

  8. Love your take on this month's theme, great shot! :-)

  9. After you took the picture, you went in and bought these fetching undies, right? :~}

  10. Chantal Tomas has exhibited in the textile museum, St Gall , Switzerland. I went especially to see it. It was smashing ! Well presented. But not a-lode to publish photos... So...

    St Gall is well known all over the world for de lace material and many other beautiful for the Haute couture.
    The city is aswell beautiful.

    As I had plane to make a shop window about * silk, cotton, wool, I had some samples. Went to Lyon to picture the old Jacquard machines.


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