Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Chantel Thomass, Never Disappoints

Sometimes it's the window, and then when you have another look, it's the reflection. Chantal Thomass, always a delight.

Chantal Thomass
211 Saint Honoré
75001 Paris


  1. Maybe in my next life I'll be the kind of woman who can actually shop unself-consciously in a place like this. :~}

  2. When I decided to start my daily photo blog I was so focused on the subject I rarely noticed the reflections. Nowadays nothing goes astray .. reflections, light, shade, puddles, clouds ... I find that the trick is to find the most interesting element in every frame and shoe it to best advantage. This reflection was well spotted V.

  3. Very, very fine. I love the reflection of the nice legs and high heels in a photo with the most sexy mannequin.


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