Wednesday, April 1, 2015

CDP Theme Day - Self Portrait

1 avril, which means another City Daily Photo Theme Day. This month's theme is Self Portrait. I had a few choices as I sometimes like to catch myself in a Paris window. I chose this one today from 2014, when my dear Paris ami Peter ( Peter's Paris) was caught with me in this window. It's a perfect choice because Peter is often by my side in Paris, leading the way to new places to enjoy and photograph!

Please click HERE to see all the other City Daily Photobloggers' as they share their theme day selfies!


  1. Looks like you two are having lots of fun in Paris Virginia :)

  2. Creative, and spectacular architecture beyond!

  3. Lucky you! (Peter too, for that matter) :~}

  4. Quick flick through the CDP portal this thumbnail jumped out. Had to be yours. I think Vivian would approve.

  5. We are indeed on the same page for this event. You were prescient to have gotten some candidate shots. Well done!

  6. Joyful picture, even in black and white


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