Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday Church Series - Église Saint Germain des Pres

Because I have visited many of Paris' churches over and over, each trip I try and find something new to photograph. This last trip in November, 2014, I was in and out of St. Germain des Pres several times as we stayed just a block away. My eye was drawn to the beautiful painted columns. I could be wrong, but I don't think I've seen columns like this in other churches. As one of Paris' oldest churches, this sacred space could stand some loving care, but I love the nicks and chipped paint. Reminds me of how long this church as stood and all that has happened inside these walls.


  1. I love the way you composed this shot. Those columns really are unusual.

  2. Next trip...let's see how many more painted columns that we can find. I'm pretty sure that St. Eustache has them. Love a good mission with you Virg!

  3. The interior painting in St. Germain des Pres dates from a 19th century restoration, so although the columns are beautiful, their appearance is more closely related to the 19th century view of Gothic art than something more distant.


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