Tuesday, March 10, 2015

She's watching.... and listening

I think walking (trudging?) up through the métro and hearing this talented group of musicians is just another Paris moment that I will never forget. On two visits, I've climbed the stairs at the Bastille stop and heard the most beautiful classical music played by this very talented group. Vivaldi in the métro...c'est Paris!


  1. Telescopage entre le visage lisse et "conforme" de la cabine de photo et celui de l'artiste, concentré et un peu triste.

  2. I've seen them on two visits too (the first time with you!) and it's always a treat. I don't know how anyone can walk past them and not stop to listen, at least for a few minutes.

  3. Bonjour chère amie,

    Une superbe photo...
    Gros bisous ❀ ♡ ❀

  4. Great capture V. Violins sound wonderful in the subway tunnels.


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