Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Où suis-je??

I am thinking most of my readers, even my Parisian readers, won't know where I took this photo.Actually, now that I have a look at the only two photos is snapped this day, I wish I had taken more and framed them differently. Love the arches and the detail. I will let my commenters have a guess today, then I will share the location. 


  1. Is it the arches bordering the Louvre V?

  2. Rue de Rivoli?
    That's my guess.

  3. the lamps look like those in the passage between the Palais-Royal its the gardens

  4. I'm also guessing the Louvre...but I have no idea what the Louvre 5 is...say more about that Joe!

  5. I don't have a clue but love how the French pay such close attention to detail in their architectural designs.

  6. Place des Voges? And I know I'm so wrong but no one else had listed it yet.

  7. Good one, V. I'll say what I'm pretty much 100% positive it is NOT: Place des Vosges, Palais Royal, rue de Rivoli or the arcades leading to the Louvre. That said, I can't think where you are here. (I'll feel a lot better if it turns out to be somewhere I've never been.)

  8. To me, the 'where' is not as important as the 'what.' I love the repetition of the black and white arches and the domed ceilings. Nice detail.

  9. Ahh, my friend Joe might just be the winner. He guessed the Louvre V. I will admit right here I had no idea that was the name. I entered the Louvre from the bridge and passed through this fabulous archway on my way to Tuileries. Joe, you get the prize. Thank you all for your great guesses. We all learn from each other about our Paris!

  10. I didn't have a clue but now I know :)
    Great shot.

  11. Hi V. .. Gosh I thought it look familiar but I didn't think for a moment I would be right. Thanks for the challenge V Bon Vivant to you.


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