Saturday, March 14, 2015

Deux Chats

These two very docile cats were the main attraction as this organ grinder played his tunes. Before I was allowed to snap the first photo, I was shown the euro basket. I complied. I'm not sure how he keeps those cats in that basket with all that's going on in front of Galeries Lafayette, and the traffic. Oh and yes, that would be Peter patiently waiting in the background!


  1. Ah, the ever-patient Peter. I'm sure he'd agree that this shot was well worth the wait.

  2. Very sweet, dear V !! Good things are worth waiting for, so it would be no hardship for patient Peter, I suspect. :)

  3. You would think all that going on would make les pussy cats a bit skittish ! I must admit if I take a PIC of a busker I usually put something in the dollar basket :)

  4. Like Mary Poppins -- practically perfect in every way!


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