Friday, February 6, 2015

La découverte

As I wandered rue des Saint Pères (5eme) near our apartment, I spotted open doors and a passageway. I've trained myself to never pass up an opportunity to investigate when there are open doors in Paris. At the far end I could see what looked like a charming shop, antiques maybe. Off I went. As you will see in the next few days, this is how I've found some of the best places in Paris. Come back tomorrow and see my discovery!


  1. I guess there are hundreds of places around your neighborhood in Paris that you could find this way.

  2. V- I have often stayed on Rue des Saint Pères. But I've never seen that passageway.

  3. The best way to see Paris! I'm remembering similar escapades...he he!

  4. Around the corner from where I lived, back in the day. Can't wait to see what you found, V!

  5. Lovely picture, I agree about doorways in Paris, you never know what gems lurk behind them.

  6. My wife and I think we know this place. We can't wait to find out if we are right or not!

  7. RIchard, were you and your wife correct???


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