Saturday, February 28, 2015


I've lost count of how many times I've visited Montmartre. I never tire of this charming place. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Pollarding in Paris

The French have mastered the fine art of tree trimming. Since my first visit to Paris in 2007, I have been fascinated at the way they manicure the trees in the gardens. I've learned since,  this technique is called pollarding. Love seeing it in the fall at Tuileries.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Paris Rouge - Amis

Mercredi in Paris, the schools are closed, so you see a lot of children in the gardens. These two seemed to be having fun in Tuileries.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

La femme dans le jardin

I have no idea what she was thinking this Sunday afternoon in Luxembourg Gardens. I was thinking how much I love this place and wishing I didn't have to leave Paris!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

La guitare

Unpacking his guitar along the Seine, I didn't notice the chalk drawing on the sidewalk until I downloaded this photo.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Le couleur pourpre

Not a color you usually find at cafés but a refreshing change!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Church Series - Saint-Germain- de- Près

Considered one of the oldest churches in Paris, the ladder is indicative of the constant restoration process required to keep up this beautiful church.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Especially in the winter months, the artists who gather at Place du Tertre, spend a lot of time waiting on their next subject.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Un, deux, trois

I love the open windows, I love the niches, I love Paris.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mon Ami

Back in July, 2009, I met the charming gentleman on the right. He had heard of Birmingham, Alabama from some friends who had shopped there before and he asked, "Madame, if I come to Birmingham, what should I see first?" I didn't bat an eye and said, "Moi, Monsieur!" He laughed and we have been friends ever since. This trip in 2012, I took a photo I'd taken that day and he proudly showed it to his coworkers. E. Dehillerin is the premier place for cookware in Paris. I like to say if they don't stock it, you don't need it. Ina Garten shops here and that's good enough for me. I've never bought a thing but I always stop in and say, "Bonjour" to my friends there. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

C'est Paris!

Relais Odéon
132 Boulevard Saint Germain
75006 Paris

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bon hiver!

No matter when you visit Paris, you will always find flowers!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Garçon et le bateau

I wonder how long Parisian children have sailed their boats at the gardens in Paris. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Le Panthéon

Luckily we had another chance to view this spectacular building on a sunny Sunday afternoon. The Sunday before, it was dark and rainy. That said, we loved it in rain and shine.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Slip through a door at Place des Vosges and you find the courtyard of the Hôtel de Béthune- Sully.  It now houses  the Centre des Monuments Nationaux. Although it is not open to the public there is a very nice book store that you should visit. This coeur is lovely quiet corner of Paris, and I never fail to find friends sitting in these doorways.

Friday, February 13, 2015


Why fight a thousand tourists with cell phones at the Louvre. Stop in at the Da Vinci Café, have a nice glass of wine,  and see her up close!

Da Vinci Café
25 rue des Saints Pères
75006 Paris

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Le rouge, blanc et bleu `a Paris

I'm thinking the sailboat vendor at les Jardins du Luxembourg is a pretty smart guy. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Pablo Was Here

Perhaps this quickly drawn image was done in honor of the Musée Picasso's reopening in Paris. Regardless, it made us all stop, smile and snap.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

La famille

I love nothing more than spending a fine Sunday afternoon in Paris at les Jardins du Luxembourg. Everyone in Paris seems to rush to the gardens to walk, sit, read, or bring their children to run and play. Today, a special memory.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ma Mission

Last November Peter and I were part of a street photography workshop led our very talented friend and photographer Meredith Mullins. We gathered at the Mona Bismarck American Center to talk about street photography and then Meredith gave us our assignments. One was to find a spot, and stay there long enough to become part of it, unseen. We had several other tasks as we hit the streets along the Seine. The next day, while just wandering along rue Bonaparte waiting for friends, I walked across the street, leaned against a store front and stood there for maybe 5 minutes or more just snapping away. Normally I don't shoot those begging in Paris,  but this time the woman was such a part of the scene and I was far enough away, I didn't feel as if I was invading her space. This is the photo I selected to share with Meredith and my fellow classmates. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Bonjour Ya'll!

Imagine my surprise and delight when I stepped inside TREIZE - A Baker's Dozen and offered the obligatory, "Bonjour Madame!" and hear, "Hey, come on in!" Relief in a waythat I didn't have to do my constant, "Parlez vous anglais??" Instead I am greeted by owner Laurel Sanderson ( on the right) and her delightful staff behind the counter. While they made me feel at home with my camera, they continued chopping and dicing for their lunch menu. Behind them, le chef with the biggest grin I've
EVER seen Paris. Laurel hails from the south so we understood each other immediately. Some of the patrons enjoying a late breakfast vouched for the delicious fare. Trust me, if you get to the 7 eme, go see Laurel and her smiling staff. Tell 'em I sent ya.

Treize - A Baker's Dozen
16 rue des Saints Pères
75007 Paris

Saturday, February 7, 2015


If you visited yesterday you know I found a passageway off rue des Saints Pères and investigated. What I thought was possibly an antique store at the far end, was really a delightful little shop called Treize, a baker's dozen ( note the clever signage). I will admit I spent quite a while outside photographing this charming exterior. Tomorrow, we step inside! 

16 rue des Saints Pères
75007 Paris

Friday, February 6, 2015

La découverte

As I wandered rue des Saint Pères (5eme) near our apartment, I spotted open doors and a passageway. I've trained myself to never pass up an opportunity to investigate when there are open doors in Paris. At the far end I could see what looked like a charming shop, antiques maybe. Off I went. As you will see in the next few days, this is how I've found some of the best places in Paris. Come back tomorrow and see my discovery!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Le Clown

Two very friendly clowns greeted passersby near the Hôtel de Ville that afternoon. A fine time for my battery to die. By the time I'd stopped to change it, they had gone on their way. Only in Paris...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Le chien et son ami

Monsieur was smiling and le chien was winking! Another great day at the Palais Royal.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Baguette To Go!

I think I could possibly do an entire photo series on baguettes to go. Another image that made me smile.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Déjeuner à Nemours

Café Nemours is a bit touristy but it adjoins my love, the Palais Royal, and it's a great place to sit and people watch. Last November, Martha, Sara and I waited for Mary to join us. A grand déjeuner with friends. Sweet memories.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

CIty Daily Photo Theme Day - What Would You Miss?

Peter Olson and Mary Gilbert
Asking me what I would miss most of Paris, the city I call my home away from home was daunting. Then I realized that although Paris offers me so many wonderful experiences, it's the friends who I share it with who make it so special.

Today my City Daily Photoblog friends around the world share their special photographs. Please have a look here.