Thursday, January 8, 2015

The World Mourns With Paris


  1. It is not far from the Place des Vosges, VJ. Have you walked that way much? I walked (once) from Place de la Bastille, along Bvd Beaumarchais to a demonstration about unemployment being held at Place de la Republique. Well I remember having to negotiate the purchase of a new camera-card with minimal French. I have also travelled the length of Canal Saint Martin. Both of these were in 2008.


  2. Another sad tragedy in this crazy world!

  3. The free world stands in solidarity with the people of France. May the families of the victims find some kind of solace in the outpouring of rage and grief we all are experiencing. I hope that the wounded in this terrible massacre are able to mend, both physically and mentally!

  4. A very sad day, V. I grieve along with my friends in Paris and for all who love her.

  5. Some people are so filled with hate. So sad for France and the world.

  6. Thanks for this one, V—we're all Charlie today. Fitting photo too.

  7. IMHO, people can believe what they want to. They can offer to share those beliefs but what I don't want them to be fee to do is force their beliefs on others.

    And that goes for Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, religious leaders/fanatics/extremists and the man next door.

    What with the Sydney Cafe siege (a cafe I have passed on many days) and other mindless killings, we live in sad times.

    Looking at pictures of Paris helps to brighten the day. Thanks Virginia.

    Je suis Charlie.

    Bernard, Sydney, Australia

  8. Blessings and love for those who are lost

    too sad Lorraine

  9. thank you and happy new year!!! angie


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