Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Paris Photo

Another plus for visiting Paris in November is Paris Photo. Everywhere you look around the city you will find wonderful photography exhibits, many free. The Jardin du Luxembourg always has something interesting on their fence- this trip fabulous photos of ocean life. Of course the big event is always held the Grand Palais. I've toyed with visiting this mega exhibit but decided it was too much to take in with limited time. Meredith Mullins says it's sensory overload and has to take it in on several visits. Maybe I'll get there one day. Until then, I will continue to enjoy all the other exhibits that Paris has to offer.


  1. La réincarnation de Claude Monet ?

  2. "I will continue to enjoy all the other exhibits that Paris has to offer."

    Such as handsome gents in snazzy caps? Bien fait!

  3. What a beautiful character study. I would have asked him to tea!

  4. I always look forward to seeing what's on the fence of the Jardins du Luxembourg. This looks like a wonderful exhibit!


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