Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday Church Series - La Crèche

I'm always interested to see that some of the most magnificent cathedrals in Paris, often have the most humble and unusual crèches on display.  The glorious Basilica de Saint Denis, featured this one on the stairs leading up to the altar.


  1. ein tolles foto!!! einen schönen 4. advent wünscht angie

  2. Chère Virginia. La crêche is a big deal in France. My mom's is smaller and much more modest than this one, but she still puts it up every year during the Holidays. I have loved following you (and my beloved Paris, though your inspired photos) this year, and look forward to more of the same in 2015. Come and check out my French-themed sapin de Noël on the blog this week when you get a chance! Joyeux Noël to you, your family, and Mademoiselle Meeps, bien sûr. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. And even nicer for their simplicity. This is charming (and your header is a knockout!).

  4. This one does have a humble, simple sensibility to the set. And in such a grand setting, too.

  5. This is remarkably simple. Given how beautiful French creche figures can be, I would prefer to see a more elegant creche set. But, they didn't ask me.

  6. Thanks for going all the way out to St. Denis to capture this photo for us. I like the simplicity of this creche.

  7. That is so simple, poignant and beautiful V. Merry Christmas to you.


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