Saturday, December 6, 2014


 The Saint Paul Métro was decked out in Picasso this last trip.  I'm assuming in honor of the newly reopened Musée Picasso that opened in November after a long restoration.  It's always a treat to see new décor in the Métro.


  1. Great photo. Love the combination of old and new.

  2. Oh...PP is my hero!!!!!!!!!! You're such a star Virginia. I've just completed 2 little collages on which Pablo features...not bad even if I say so myself!! I've called them PP Jewels I and II. Virginia..I'm back...check out le blog....Paris Rendez-Vous and Beyond when you have time. Ciao, Robyn

  3. Quite a strong portrait shot of the great artist.

  4. It must almost look like you're sitting in Pablo's lap when you perch on that seat.


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