Monday, December 15, 2014

Field Trip, Paris Style

As I was wandering around in front of the Hôtel de Ville, there were several kindergarten classes filing in and out. I wonder what was inside that would appeal to five year olds?


  1. Delightful - especially the expression of the little fellow in the centre of the image. Warm regards

  2. That's a very vivacious young man in the foreground.

  3. Ahh those unforgettable field trips! Could not escape for the life of me. The interesting one occurred when we saw Piaf in the park. Everyone ran to her. Who is that lady, I asked?

  4. Well, since these are French 5-year-olds it could be anything from Père Noël to Pissarro. This is some excellent "baby stalking," V!

  5. That little boy leading the charge has the look of mischief. I like him.

  6. We noticed a lot of field trips when we were in Paris. They are out to have fun.


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