Monday, September 8, 2014

La Conversation

You supply the caption!


  1. Monsieur Bertand says with a pleasant smile, "I haven't seen you in these parts in years Amelie. Are you lost?". Thoughtfully Amelie responds, "Oh yes Monsieur Bertrand I am lost; but don't show me the way. When I am lost I never know what I might find. Bon Vivant Monsieur Bertrand".

  2. Monsieur Bertand (thanks Joe) is saying to Amelie 'don't look now but the renowned photographer V is taking le photograph, how do I look'?

  3. Whatever he's saying, he's also giving her a thumbs up!

  4. I don't know what the conversation is about, but I just love the colors in those vines hanging over their heads!

  5. I see a dad trying mightily to cheer up a sullen teenager (to no avail, apparently).

  6. "Is it just me or do you feel like we're being watched, and by extension commented on by complete strangers?"

  7. "Yes, I did give you a D on the test, but I thought your penmanship was good."


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