Saturday, August 2, 2014

Le sourire

French waiters get a bad rap.  They have a reputation for being snooty, unsmiling and just in general "FRENCH"!  I beg to disagree.  If you greet them with a cheerful , "Bonjour Monsieur"(and a smile), I have found that they are more than agreeable and efficient,  if I offer just a bit of my Alabama laced French!  One thing they won't do is hover and ask you continually throughout your meal how everything is, if you need more water etc. like we have come to tolerate in the U.S.  Parisian waiters are professional, efficient, but most certainly will allow you to linger over your meal, or even cup of café, or glass of wine as long as you like. They won't shoo you off to make way for more guests until you catch their eye and ask, "L'addition s'il vous plaît". This smiling waiter was shot through the glass at the pricey Café de la Paix. 


  1. I found that to be exactly the case too. But really, aren't most people friendly and cordial if you treat them that way, too? I've rarely been disappointed, even if I have to work a little harder at it than I might have thought necessary!

  2. Treat someone with cordiality, and you'll get that in return.

  3. I agree too (with one notable exception—we're in Paris, so don't answer me in English when I speak to you in French!). Sorry—I do appreciate the thoroughly professional way they do their job.


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