Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Monsieur et son petit chien

Apparently Monsieur, takes walking his dog very seriously!


  1. If I were walking in the rain with a dog that looks like a cat, perhaps I would look glum also. But if I were in Paris, I think I would be smiling all the while!!

  2. I firmly believe that a dog that gets outweighed by the average cat is not a real dog.

  3. People watching anywhere is fun, but I think that Paris takes the cake.

  4. Maybe he just has a problem with American paparazzi. :-}

  5. The poor wee dog is trying to stay dry!

  6. Poor thing! Take him home where he can curl up in his little warm and comfy bed.

  7. Poor dog -- his owner surely doesn't look like a barrel of fun, someone who will toss the toys and give a chuckle in delight as the dog shakes it like a wee rat! Must be the rain...

  8. Poor dog -- his owner surely doesn't look like a barrel of fun, someone who will toss the toys and give a chuckle in delight as the dog shakes it like a wee rat! Must be the rain...


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