Thursday, April 3, 2014

Claire Ardaut Fleuriste

Recently I asked one of my newest followers and good friend Mark Cohen,  to choose a photo for me to post on the blog.  He chose this one. Quelle surprise!!!  Claire is the name of his adorable granddaughter.  Today's blog post is dedicated to Claire in Birmingham who has just celebrated her 4th birthday. Joyeux Anniversaire!


  1. Such a nice way to use a photograph V. Happy Birthday to Claire.

  2. Another classy French florist. Bon anniversaire to la petite Claire --

  3. I don't think I should ask anyone to chose a photo for my blog....well you've seen my facebook karaoke photos. Don't the French just do everything with style. Lovely capture street capture.

  4. How cute , love the photo too. As one other reader said , "they do it all with style" !!

  5. I hope one day Claire is able to visit this lovely spot in person.

  6. I love the 'pinkness' of this photo.


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