Friday, April 11, 2014

Café le pas sage

Passage du Grand Cerf is one of the nicer passages left in Paris.  Cafe le pas sage is just across from the lovely florist Messages du Grand Cerf so this tiny table was the lucky recipient of this luscious vase of roses.

Passage du Grand Cerf
1 Passage du Grand Cerf
75002 Paris


  1. Paris has so man quaint corners V.

  2. It took me a minute to realize there was not a typo in your commentary. What a great name for a café ! I'm sure they would let me in there. Great composition to your photo.

  3. The French do everything so elegant. Look at the pretty way they tied up the roses.

  4. Guess we will just have to order a beverage since there isn't much room for anything else on the table :). Simply charming!

  5. It looks like an appealing place to have a drink. I quite like the woodworking of the cafe.

  6. I'd just like to sit there and drink in the fragrance!
    On the other hand, maybe I'll take some wine as well.

  7. This reminds me that I need to get some fresh flowers tomorrow.

  8. You have EYES for beautiful details.


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