Monday, March 31, 2014

City Daily Photo Theme Day - Triangles

Our CDP theme for the month of April is TRIANGLES.  I simply would not hear of dragging out a shot of la Tour Eiffel, non, it must be more creative than that!  Well it was a bit of a challenge,
but I settled on the top of the sweet Dodo Manège carrousel at Jardin des Plantes!

Today my City Daily Photoblog friends around the world are posting their TRIANGLES. Click HERE to see them all.


  1. An excellent choice in keeping with all things French. Nothing wrong with the Eiffel Tower as a subect, but, I agree that this is more original.

  2. Now, aren't you clever, Virginia! So French.

  3. I confess, I expected to see the Eiffel Tower, but this really is a creative French twist on the theme.

  4. Nice choice V. I was amazed to find so many triangles in my "to be blogged" collection.

  5. Great choice for theme day. That color is stunning.

  6. Bravo Virginia, tres jolie French triangle :)

  7. I'm proud of you for not making the obvious choice, V!

  8. Ah, one of my favorite spots in Jardin des Plantes... Dodo Manège!

    Lovely capture with great colors!

  9. J'aime bien ce manège plein d'animaux étranges.


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