Friday, February 14, 2014

La reflet

Each time I'm lucky enough to return to Paris, I try and find new themes to pursue. This trip in November, I kept my eye out for reflections in the mirrors of the zillion motorcycles parked on every street. I'll admit it's not as easy as you'd think. Dirty mirrors, mirrors with nothing photo worthy etc. but I found a few I'll share from time to time.

Today I am happy to join James' Weekend Reflections right here!


  1. Very interesting reflection, and yellow is so beautiful...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a good use of the LaPoste truck! That's the one of the problems with photos like this is that the backgrounds can be too jumbled. Well done !

  4. Perfectly framed —and I love the bright yellow too!

  5. Love this creative approach to viewing the City of Love ….and motorcycles. Happy St Valentine's day.

  6. Very lovely shot... Happy Valentines Day

  7. Beautiful picture with a nice reflection.


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