Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Coucher du soleil

The rooftop of Galeries Lafayette is the perfect spot to watch the sunset in Paris. In the winter months you can capture it all and it's a photo frenzy with cameras, phones, and Ipads! I like to think it a little perk for braving Paris in the colder months. In the spring and summer, the rooftop closes well before sunset. Quelle dommage. 


  1. The rooftop at Printemps is also a good "freebie" view. They're nice because you get a full 360 view of the city.

  2. I agree with Stuart. The view from the Printemps is different, and nicer in my opinion.
    (I stopped going on Facebook, that is why you haven't seen me leaving comments)

  3. A beautiful shot, dear Virginia...

  4. Dommage is right. On the other hand, it seems fitting that one should have to suffer a bit for a view like that. :~}


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