Friday, January 10, 2014

L'artiste et l'espresso

L'espresso kept this artist warm at Place du Tertre, as only the heartiest of souls were out this cold, damp day.  During peak tourist season I stay clear, but in the colder months, I've enjoyed strolling this area of Montmartre.


  1. Interesting looking man who is dressed for the weather. Like his coat, hat, muffler and pipe a bit more than his art work.

  2. Charming and oh, so very French!!

  3. I couldn't agree more. When I visited in June it was a madhouse. In April, very pleasant!

  4. ...and how nice to see a bit of original art, instead of the same old oversaturated Paris street scenes!

  5. Nice portrait of the artist, V! Missed this quartier when we were there, so next time (if it's not high tourist season, of course).

  6. Does the heat from his pipe keep his nose warm as well? :-)

    Lots of mixed reviews currently floating about this area of Paris (i.e., its gentrification), but I definitely plan a visit.

  7. This was the very first area of Paris my son took me to as he knew I would LOVE and where we went our last night in Paris. It was February and PERFECT!! This artist looks like a poster for GQ. Am man that dresses well is ART in itself.

  8. I have been here in all sorts of seasons , Love it and have a few little favourite shops I like to visit.

  9. A great looking man and I like his painting. It's a bit too bright for my walls, but I agree with Alison--I like the imagination it shows.


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