Friday, January 24, 2014

Hiver à Paris

This marks the first January that I've not trekked off to Paris in four years. Flying standby, I'm always searching the best chances of winning an empty seat, so I've made the best of the cold, damp, gray days in Paris, year after year, always keeping in mind that BEING in Paris was the prize, not the weather.  January, 2010, we woke up to Paris under a light blanket of snow. Somehow it made the freezing temps and gray skies worth every minute.  Today, looking from Place des Vosges to the Hôtel de Sully, which houses an extensive bookstore.


  1. Et personne pour faire un bonhomme de neige ?

  2. I didn't even know one could fly standby anymore (unless an airline employee). In any case, it was worth whatever it took to be there for this snap !

  3. I just checked the temperatures and since it's zero here in Ohio and 41 degrees in Paris, I'll say the weather and the life style would be better in Paris. Are you missing it?

  4. Lovely view. I get even colder just looking at it!

  5. Beautiful...

    I used to Net-know a young man in Paris, who wanted snow, so badly. :-)

    David was one of my Net-met friends, who met with us, and took us to see "the real Paris," while we were there...


  6. Today it is sunny and WINDY and 50 degress here in Portland, Oregon and though I am a sun worshipper and a cry baby in the cold being in PARIS makes all the difference no matter what the weather it is DIVINE. Just like this photo you took.

  7. such a cool shot - makes me feel cold and I'm inside my house, at the warmth.... :)
    fabulous! thank you V

  8. All day, I've been wishing I was in Paris.

  9. Love the view through this doorway (but have never seen it like this). Gorgeous, V!

  10. A marvelous image today, Virginia.

  11. Beautiful photo. Love the composition.


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