Thursday, January 30, 2014

En Seine

Today I share another image from our trip to Paris in January, 2010.  It was bitter cold this day but loved seeing Paris with a cover of snow for the first time. 


  1. That's a wonderful composition with colors of the plane tree against the white snow, Virginie !

    BTW I found the word you were searching for (I think). Take a look at ADP today.

  2. Lovely angles in this one, V. I hope you are surviving your snow at home -- the news reports look quite awful!

  3. Hello again, Virginia!

    We just returned from Paris and were praying for some snow but just got lots of gray and rain. It was wonderful anyway but your photo shares how magical it is in the snow. Maybe next year!

    All the best,


  4. That was a cold year. I froze the entire trip. But Paris with snow was beautiful.

  5. Remember the year we got there while it was snowing?


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