Wednesday, January 1, 2014

City Daily Photo Theme Day - The Best of 2013

Oh January's theme is usually easy for me as I always have one special photo from the year but this time I was torn. I decided to choose this image of the Louvre. That morning in Paris, the wind  had blown and poured rain.  The forecast said rain. all. day. long.  As Mary and I were having lunch, I looked out the café window and saw blue skies and the sun shining. A magical Paris moment. We hurried to the Palais Royal first and then the Louvre. My offering as my favorite photograph for 2013.

If you want to see all the other fabulous images chosen by my City Daily Photo friends around the world, click HERE


  1. That is indeed a magical shot! Bonne année Virginie !

  2. Another stunning shot! Happy new year!

  3. Love the silhouetted shapes passing through the arch, tres jolie image. All the very best for 2014 Virginia.

  4. I'm sure you had a tough time choosing, V. This definitely works for me! Bonne annee, ma chere --

  5. Splendid choice, though I have no idea how you could choose!

    Happy 2014!

  6. Un contre jour très bien composé.

  7. Yes, Virginia, it is really good. Nice one.

  8. Congratulations V. This photograph is a wonderful example of composition, contrasts and light. Bravo.

  9. Your Paris photos are always a treasure trove. I have a 100 favorites from your blog.

  10. I imagine it not being easy selecting a favorite picture, but this one is truly special and a great choice!

    Happy New Year,


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