Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Café des Chats - Shhhhhh

This last trip, I was lucky enough to swing a reservation for Le Café des Chats in the Marais.  Yes, you heard me right, a reservation. This place has taken Paris by storm and there are often lines outside waiting for their turn to sip a café or a divine chocolat chaud and have the pleasure of stroking one of the twelve rescue kitties that roam freely.  Three of us were "cat people" and Peter came along and proved to be a very good sport.  The resident chats can be found upstairs and down,  finding many places to curl up, nap, or just hop in the lap of a willing patron!  I found this sweet kitty enjoying a nice velvet chair for her nap.  More photos to come bien sûr!

16 Michel le Comte
75003 Paris


  1. Now that's a novel concept for a cafe V. How nice that it's a home for rescued kitties.

  2. Oh so delightful...

    I can see why there would have to be reservations. :-)

    Oh yes, more photos, please.


  3. I can't believe I stayed one block from Michel le Comte and I never knew about this. I'll have to throttle Jerry for not telling me. I'll feel better if I knew that that it opened after April 2012! My "next time" list gets longer and longer... (And you might know I am a sucker for an orange cat, Lizzie Cosette notwithstanding!)

  4. That is a cafe I'd enjoy, being a cat person.

    What a cute kitty!

  5. Work has been getting in the way of my blog visits (can you imagine?), but I'm glad I didn't miss this post! That place was wonderful—and thank you again for taking us all there, V --

  6. I would love this place. Chocolate and patting kitties! French kitties in Paris! So happy you got to go! :)

  7. This is pretty cool! I love cats. I wonder if they got the idea from Café Neko in Vienna.

  8. Wonderful! I would love it. In fact, you give me an idea to open Cafe Pooch here in Pasadena.

  9. The cat looks so cute.
    That cafe is super
    they let cats roam around the cafe
    and get their sleep too.


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