Friday, December 27, 2013

Trouvé I

On my travels to Paris I've noticed found objects that have been placed so that perhaps the owner will retrace their steps and find they lost belonging.  I found this dear lapin hanging on the street light, awaiting to be reunited with its wailing owner. 


  1. Très mignon, le petit lapin perdu... You have a good eye, Mistress Virginia :-) Hugs from Seattle. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Poor bunny looking for the little one to find it. And another beautiful header for your blog- love that you share more photos that way!

  3. It's true—you don't miss a trick! Hope this lapin and its small (I assume) owner were reunited.

  4. I lost my hat twice in one day - retraced my steps and found it both times. A lovely & civilized custom!

  5. Poor little "peluche"! I hope it was found by ist owner.

  6. I hope he didn't stay out in the cold too long :)


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