Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday Church Series - Saint-Étienne-du-Mont

I have visited many churches in Paris over and over and never fail to find very special details that I'd overlooked before.  I loved the light hitting this lovely statue.

Place Sainte- Geneviève
75005 Paris


  1. A 'saintly' image Virginia.. the lighting is perfect.

  2. Les gamins, c'est vraiment casse pieds quand on a envie de bouquiner tranquillement.

  3. There is so much to see in this church! I'm sure I saw this statue but have no recollection of it, so many thanks for the photo!!! As you say, beautiful lighting.

  4. It's nice to see an informal and touching scene like this in stone. Most are so formal and posed. I like those shadows too.

  5. Not only do you have the eye to spot the shot, but you have the skills to capture it. Brava, V!

  6. Exquisite, Virginia!
    St. Etienne du Mont is «Louis'» favorite church in Paris. That rood screen there is fabulous. You probably know that it is the only surviving rood screen in Paris.

  7. Hi V ... you have cajoled the light to behave perfectly in this shot. Ciao J.

  8. It's a beautifully composed shot, Virginia.


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