Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Deux Amis

While strolling through Village St. Paul, I came upon these two students from the nearby Lycée Charlamagne enjoying their lunch break.  I asked the girl if I could take her photograph,  and she agreed but asked if her friend could be included. Bien sûr!!


  1. How wonderful that they permitted you take their photo V. I hope they see it on your blog.

  2. The sort of look like they might be related.

  3. A very nice photo!
    They looked happy, and hopefully they will not be too stressed with the exams coming up.
    Here in Norway there are so many who wants to study in just PARIS.

  4. Terrific shot. What is he wearing? Why are his knees hanging out? The mom in me.

  5. His little knees must have been frozen—it was cold!
    And good for you for asking, V. I really do envy (and admire) your lack of shyness.

  6. Two cute kids. Fun taking photos of strangers, isn't it?


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