Saturday, November 9, 2013

Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation

If you have not visited this moving memorial in Paris, please put it on your list.  Located just behind Notre Dame de Paris, it is a fitting memorial to 200,000 who were deported from Vichy, France to the Nazi concentration camps in World War II.


  1. superbe photo !
    Nice post! Thanks & Welcome for your comment and visit to my blog.
    Have a nice day! Cath.

  2. Indeed, this is a moving memorial. The design is fittingly somber.

  3. Yes, moving is the word. Everyone visiting Notre Dame should include this in their tour.

  4. I have been here, and you're right. And this is a beautiful composition, V.

  5. Thank you Virginia-- definately something to see on my next pass through. Enjoy your stay!!

  6. A nice study in textures, Virginia.

  7. It's odd that someplace in Paris can be so unpreposessing, even stark and "what's to see?" And yet, it remains one of my pilgrimage places. It is such a fitting reminder of the tragedies of the Holocaust. The crystal lights take my breath away with their beauty and their scope of loss. This is a MUST.

  8. This is on my list for my January trip. Merci. Vos photos sont belles, comme toujours!


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