Thursday, November 28, 2013

Le Pain de Paris

While we're all stuffing ourselves with turkey, dressing etc. here in the U.S., Parisians are queuing up to buy warm baguettes, which for me is a wonderful substitute.  I've been gone for less than a week, and just looking at this photograph makes my mouth water.

This Thanksgiving, I'm grateful for all of you that stop by this blog and read/comment. It brings me great pleasure to share my photographs of Paris with you.  I hope you will come back often for new photos from this last trip!


  1. they are always a wonderful substitute ... i"d trade it in a second

  2. For the record I read the tittle so fast, I thought it said 'loin de paname' and it also made perfect sense ... made me quite nostalgic

  3. We are fortunate that we get to see a little of Paris each day through your eyes V. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  4. Wonderful photo ! Have a great Thanksgiving !

  5. Parisians are not the only ones to buy baguettes , ALL french people do it!:o)
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. May you have a blessed, joyful, and fulfilling Thanksgiving!

  7. Great shot. I'm thankful that I got to break baguettes with you, V --

  8. And we are all grateful to have our daily dose of Paris photos. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  9. I look forward to all of your photos Virginia! Thank you for sharing with us and Happy Thanksgiving to you. And i agree, i want to jump into your photo and have some yummy bread. :)

  10. And thanks to you for the great photos!

  11. Of course you know we will come back, for we are most grateful to you for bringing Paris into our lives every day.

    Just wish I could get that bread in person!

  12. As you're just returning from beautiful Paris Virginia I'm planning my next visit which will be my first ever Spring-Time visit.
    Warm baguettes and big bowls of cafe crème make the 24hour trip worthwhile.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    "All Things French"

  13. Le boulanger vends aussi du vin, semble-t-il.


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