Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Doorman

The Four Seasons George V is not a place where I hang out when in Paris, but last January I was fortunate to have an appointment to photograph their stunning floral arrangements.  Just walking up to the hotel was a thrill. The doormen are even dressed to the nines!


  1. ahhh la classe! :)
    Wonderful doorway!

  2. Looks like a scene from a James Bond movie V. The seem to be reading a map but, with a bit of imagination, I can see some plotting and a bit of espionage.

  3. Ooo! Hope we get to see the floral photos Virginia :)

  4. I took a "girlfriend" trip to Paris and the five of us had high tea at the George V . It was indeed oh la la...and the flowers breath taking!

  5. Looks like he's better turned out than some of the clientele! It's not a bad idea to "learn the lobby" at a few high-end hotels around town. Never know when you'll be in the neighborhood and looking for a good public loo.

  6. None of those people look like doormen.

  7. Do you ever think about the disconnect between a doorman working here in such formal an environment and then going back home to what is inevitably a modest (or worse) home?

  8. Dear Virginia,
    the is such a beautiful hotel. Maybe one day if we stop renting apartments or stay for a short visit we will stay there.
    Your photos are always so beautiful.
    Wishing you a beautiful weekend!
    xoxo, B


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