Thursday, October 31, 2013

Les branches

Travel to Paris during the winter months has forced me to see things in different ways as a photographer. I've gotten a lot of practice!  This remarkably sunny Sunday morning, showed me another view of the Seine.


  1. It looks rather spooky with those bare branches in the foreground and your black and white portrayal V. Perhaps its just Halloween getting to me. Ciao J.

  2. "Voici des fruits, des fleurs, des feuilles et des branches
    Et puis voici mon coeur qui ne bat que pour vous..."

  3. cool... :)
    every season has its beauties. merci

    especially love comments by Joe et Alain.... c'est très beau!
    And I just thought of Halloween too although it doesn't do anything at all for me - I guess one must be American to appreciate H....

  4. Paris in winter led me to the discovery of wool socks.

  5. It's beautiful, V! I love the winter light in Paris (what there is of it). :~}


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