Saturday, September 21, 2013

Les escargots, svp

I'll be honest, my first taste was a big stretch for me.  Let's just say I had to take my mind to another place and just focus on the garlic and butter.  After the first one, I felt as if I'd been initiated into the Parisian Club.  Bon appétit!


  1. ha ha ha! To me it tasted like dirt! I promised my son that we would not have escargots on the menu during a pilgrimage to Europe. Guess what? Escargots the first night in Paris! My son's face was something to behold!
    Patsy from

  2. Yummm. Anybody that can eat a gummy bear (bizarre texture) or a hot dog (bizarre content) should have no problem with snails. And unlike the former, "les escargots sont bons pour la santé" !

  3. One bite and I handed the plate over to my friends. Non, merci!

  4. Bravo ! Well done !
    So now your next chalenge must be... frog legs !!!
    Bon apétit !

  5. So you like them now? You can have mine.

  6. i was that way with octopus/squid/calamari

  7. You're a brave woman, V! I love escargots myself, but not without the garlic and butter. :~}


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