Monday, September 2, 2013

Le chapeau

Le Bar Fleuri,  in the 19 arrondissemnet is a neighborhood bistro.  We had a delightful café with our new friend Joseph Hocine, from L'ecole des Fleuristes here last January.  This is the kind of family owned place we love to find in Paris.  Just locals, nothing fancy.


  1. A hat!the kind of detail I like to see and picture!
    We don't wear enough hats those days..

  2. that was like the bistro we went to in the 16th or was it the 17th on Mary's birthday .. it was a place we ended up in after walking/looking for somewhere to lunch for what seemed hours ...

  3. I was wondering where I left my hat . . .

  4. Un accessoire en voie de disparition, mais qui reste la marque d'une certaine classe.

  5. It looks much like the hat I bouhgt last winter... and forgot somewhere! :-)

  6. Great detail with a wonderful composition, Virginia!


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