Sunday, September 8, 2013

Été à Paris

Le Jardins des Plantes

I have fond memories of summer days spent strolling this beautiful, quiet jardin.


  1. Oh WOW!! We lived right down the street from here for a couple of years. So many, many memories from when my kids were little...this is where we were when my second was born...and we were over here all the time!

  2. Lucky Adrienne! This is gorgeous, V --

  3. beautiful i hope the next time i get to paris its less rainy not that it stopped us but ...

  4. So orderly and inviting. I love your new banner photo. Hmmm. Maybe that would make a good book cover. Want to play along with Dreaming of France today? Here’s my Dreaming of France meme

  5. Summer in France is always beautiful, I love the sunflowers.


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