Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Chuch Series - Saint Quiriace Collegiate Church

Construction of the Basilique Saint Quiriace was begun in the 12th century and not completed until the 17th century.   Located in the medieval village of Provins,  in the champagne region of France 


  1. Une bien jolie basilique... Merci pour ce partage dominical...
    Gros bisous

  2. Beautiful! But five centuries to complete? Wow.

  3. Wonderful photograph! I love the way the wrought iron cross is centered in the balcony arches ... And the ribs of the vaulted ceiling below it seem to go on forever!

  4. Twelfth century. Amazing. And beautiful. 12th century is so hard to imagine. And then i think that times have changed, but people haven't. I love wonderful buildings built by ancestors we'll never know...

  5. Beautifully composed, V! And I love the white stone and black metal. Really nice.

  6. very nice work!

    have a great day, Virginia!
    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject


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