Thursday, April 25, 2013

Café Crème Pour Deux

Do you think they'll notice if I slip one of these cup and saucer's in my purse as I leave?


  1. Perhaps not, but you would! Leslie in Portland, Oregon

  2. Hi V. Shhhhh, I think you'll be right as long as you drink the coffee first. Cheers J.

  3. A question I often ask myself - just joking...
    V; you know what I do occasionally? I ask nicely if I can BUY one of their cups and saucers... I have therefore a mini-selection of wonderful memories.
    Stealing is not on - you couldn't enjoy any coffee ever from a nicked cup, could you? :) Thought so....
    BTW; when we were in Italy a long time ago, we went for the most heavenly caffè to the same place every morning - on the last day just before leaving we went for a 'finale' and I asked above question. They offered me a cup & saucer which makes me think fondly of them every time I slurp my espresso.

  4. Des consommations bon marché...mais que beaucoup de cafés refusent de servir après 8H du soir. Dans le midi, c'est encore le verre de vin rouge, qui reste le moins cher (0,80E).

  5. Oh! they are simply gorgeous Virginia ..... wonderful shade of green. Is that cafe crème?

  6. A little harder to walk out with than a hotel towel but do-able. Would they like it? That's another matter!

  7. Alain, le verre de vin blanc works for me!

    Kiki, you're right. Asking is the best policy.

  8. This is a beautiful shade of green, I wish a pair for myself! One can never have too many demitasses!

  9. these are beautiful!!!
    and omg my friend does that, she takes the glasses when they have a logo .. sooo embarrassing haha :)

  10. OK, I confess, that was my first thought too! What perfect cups, they compliment the coffee. That deep, elegant green with just the right amount of gold. It was a treat to see it!

  11. How to make a simple cup o' Joe something extra special: Well, you can start by drinking it in Paris! As for the cups, I'll take care of it for you, V. :~}

  12. Ooooo, those are exquisite. :) I would want one too. Or better yet, a pair.

  13. They are lovely, Virginia. You can have your coffee in one of these. Mine will be in a mug. I can't fit my fingers through those little handles.

  14. Mmm... I think about it every time when I drink coffee in such marvelous cups;)))

  15. I'll bet if you asked them nicely, they'd give you a set.

  16. Starman, I wouldn't really take them but maybe I will ask next time and see what they say!

  17. At which cafe was this photo taken?

  18. At which cafe was this photo taken?


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