Saturday, March 30, 2013

In My Easter Basket...

S'il vous plait.  


  1. Je plains la poule qui a pondu cet oeuf.

  2. I could NEVER eat that Eiffel! Joyeuses Pâques!

  3. I could never eat it either -- but it does look Eiffelicious!

  4. Alain,
    HA! Good point.

    Joyeuses Pâques to you all!

  5. I would need two--so I could keep one. Wait...maybe three...

  6. So, does one bite the "head" (top) or "tail" (Legs) off first. I don't think I could do either!

  7. At €40 I hope it was as big as the real tower!

  8. Oh, nice one, V! Whether to eat it or keep to admire, I think I'd waver but I'm not sure in which direction!

  9. Delicious, and exquisite to look at. Not sure i'd want to eat it.. well maybe i could. :)

  10. have baught one of this, in Paris marché aux puces, to illustrates a cultural shop window: The subjet : Rightind of the word.
    From Japan several things as manikineko and other dolls an so on.

    J'ai acheté une tour Effel, dans un marché aux puces à Paris. Ceci pour illustrer une vitrine à thème, que je monte dans les vitrines de pharmacies. Le sujet : *les écritures du monde *. Du Japon, j'ai ramené un manikineko, of course, et plusieurs poupées.

    Voilà, votre panier de Pâques m'a fait penser à ce sujet, qui tourne encore chez mes clients.

  11. Of course, my Effel tower was not in chocolat. It wouldt have been melted.

    Another souvenir. An other subjet: *chocolat history *. I had moulted a rabit in resine. A lady went into the shop and ask * I would like the chocolat rabit in the window !!! But the shop are no *confitherie* but pharmacie.

    But people do not know that, long ago, chocolat had been sold in pharmacie to. As medical matter. Of course, there are bit of magnesium !


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