Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Les Petits Patineurs

Granted this photograph is not well composed, but I think it gives a true flavor of the skating rink at the Hôtel de Ville.  The smallest were scooting all over as best the could,  holding onto the wooden walls or pushing the cute and colorful little scooters!  The city had kindly provided an area just for the little ones so they could get around without being run over by the more accomplished skaters.

For my Birmingham AL area readers, I'll be teaching From Snapshots to Photographs again starting the end of this month at Samford University. Please join us!


  1. A picture full of movement and colors! I can almost hear the laughs!

  2. Lovely and colorful picture Virginia.

    Greetings, Joop

  3. French kids having fun ....delightful!

    "All Things French"

  4. Une très belle photo où la joie est inscrite au programme.
    Gros bisous

  5. This is just lovely -you've captured such joy Fx

  6. The photo captures the delight of the children - I almost wish I were young again! Bisous

  7. I love all the colors and the activity in this photo!

  8. I love this photo, even if the composition is not the most important thing about it. Young outdoor skaters everywhere charm me, but when they have architecture such as that of Hôtel de ville behind them, well, that is gorgeous!

  9. These temporary ice skating rinks are a great initiative by Delanoë, the mayor of Paris. i would love to see the one they set up on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower during the Holidays. Skating "sur la Tour". Imagine that! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  10. If I were to attempt this, I would need to be right here with the children, and I would need a scooter sized for adults! This photo sizzles with color and a good time!

  11. It is colorful and lively and active and fun. Isn't that good enough?

  12. Composition? Whatever! Kudos for the capture—what fun they're all having!

  13. And so very colorful...the capture is full of movement and joy!
    Well done, dear Virginia!
    - Irina

  14. Hi V .. there is much fun, laughter and joy portrayed in this photograph. Cheers J.

  15. I live about 150 meters from the Hôtel de Ville skating rink. For me it is a microcosm of human behavior. You have the kids having a good time, the posers doing pirouettes in the center of the rink, the teen agers and bad boys skating way too fast, the unsure hugging the rails, and the occasional dreamer just gliding peacefully around the rink enjoying the fluidity of the motion. What a great idea, this skating rink in the middle of Paris!

  16. C'est sympa, mais peut-être pas vraiment indispensable.

  17. Gorgeous image Virginia, these youngsters are having so much fun, especially the two centre stage.


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