Saturday, February 2, 2013

I'm Home!

Marly le Roi, France

I am home from a wonderful nine days in Paris. Thank you all who faithfully stopped by and those that left comments while I was away.  I have many, many new photographs to share with you.

Today's photo is my Paris travel amie, Mary Gilbert.  About a year ago she started carrying a little Nikon point and shoot and has captured some very nice shots.  She has a great eye.  I think I created a monster.  Now as you can see, SHE'S the one lagging behind taking photos instead of me!!  


  1. Très clean. A Marly, visiblement, on attend toujours plus ou moins le passage du roi.

  2. Glad you're back safe. It was such a pleasure to meet you and Mary this week.

  3. As we say in french, "l'elève depasse le maître" parfois! :o)
    Very nice and pretty street!

  4. No better monsters than photography monsters! Love the narrow winding streets.

  5. I have many role models: Virg, Peter, Eric, Richard, Genie, Carla, Meredith, MicheleH, Owen, SteveT, SteveK, Daryl, JB, Nicola, Ronice, Jane and all of the Instagrammers...merci Virg for the honor today and merci Nicky for making our "beyond the peripherique adventure" possible.
    Bon WE

  6. Welcome back, my friend! And thanks for keeping us in the loop while you were gone!

  7. I do so love this. Such a beautiful street, and those cobbles. Oh those cobbles. I have also so loved seeing Mary's wonderful smile in your photos. And yours ...

  8. Great shot, V—and I'll bet Mary loves it too. So when can we look forward to her blog? :~}
    (And merci for taking me back to Marly!)

  9. Welcome home. Mary's photo is great!

  10. Welcome home, sweet Virginia. I'm sure the trip was wonderful. I look forward to seeing your work. Work? Hell, it wasn't work, but it sounds weird saying I look forward to seeing your fun.

  11. Welcome home, V! My very old Nikon still manages to do a great job ~ I'll probably just get the newest model when I go to replace it! {But with a viewfinder ~ I haven't forgotten your recommendation.} Mary does look like she's enjoying herself ~ I love the atmosphere you've captured here, my sweet. Hugs to you and Meepsie.

  12. The whole city is a confection. Who could imagine a little street like this anywhere in the US?

  13. Can't wait to see the photos! I'm glad you had a good time (duh)!

  14. Welcome home Virginia, hope the assignment went well.. Your photos while you were away were fabulous. I'm hoping to visit Paris this year, can't wait.

  15. Looking forward to all your new photos. I can't wait until "I'm home" for me means that I'm in France

  16. Mary may be the one lagging behind taking photos, but you were the one who captured this great photo! Can't wait to hear more details about your trip!

  17. This street looks great. Is Marly Le Roi worth a visit?

  18. We spent 3 weeks in Paris over the holidays and only went on 2 day trips - to Chartres and to Marly Le Roi! I took a TON of photos. As I go through the editing process, I wonder how quickly I can get back to Paris. BTW, you are one of my photography inspirations! I learn so much from reviewing your photos. Your blog is wonderful.

  19. bobbi,
    Chartres was on my list of a possible day trip as well! I feel the same way about my photos, good or bad. They all bring back a very special memory and I can look at them over and over. Thank you for leaving a comment.

  20. A delightful capture. The gently winding, cobble-stoned street -with its wealth of quaint, eye-catching and unique photo opportunities, is charming. So much to see and do, it's not surprising you've had so many trips to Paris! Thanks for sharing.


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